2005 Banquet

Firethorne Country Club


Corporate Sponsors

Member Sponsors




Asia America Corporation

Asia America Corporation - Homepage

Jim Johnson

401-B East South Main St.
Waxhaw, NC 28173
Phone: (704)-843-9292


For 21 years Asia America Corporation has functioned as a custom manufacturing company for North American-based companies interested in having O.E.M. technical products produced in other parts of the world.

From offices in Waxhaw, North Carolina; Taipei, Taiwan; Qing Dao, China; and Mexico City, Asia America acts as your import department. We handle your projects from quotation through tooling to sampling and into production. Components are delivered to your plant at a price that includes all freight, duty and clearing charges. For companies that require stateside inventory, we have a warehouse and staff at our North Carolina location. Our staff is technically trained in engineering with years of experience handling international communications and manufacturing processes. We coordinate daily the manufacturing sites abroad to insure dependable delivery of the highest quality components.


boggs DU


          Asphalt Plant #1                               Material Yard

          4221 Hwy. 74 West                         2318 Concord Hwy

          Monroe, NC 282110                        Monroe, NC 28110

          704-283-7332                                 704-282-0033


      • BoggsPaving.com

Eanes and Holmes

Commercial and Residential Garage Doors

Chris Eanes and Wes Holmes

3512 Buckeye Court

Waxhaw, NC 28173



Smith Realty Services

Don Smith

704-619-1000 or 704-814-4421

Broker in Charge

  • State-Licensed Residential Real Estate Appraiser
  • Past President, Home Builders Association
  • Experienced and Skillful Negotiator
  • Knowledgeable about the Real Estate Market and Values


Union County Ducks Unlimited is Appreciative of the Generosity of following companies and individuals who have contributed valuable resources in support of the Annual Banquet

Auctioneer, Mark Ligon

Bullet Hole Shooting Center, Inc. and Mark and Lynn Elmo For providing the Federal Firearms License for Ducks Unlimited, 2811 Chamber Dr., Monroe, NC 28110.  Phone: 704-291-2521
Facilities include: Indoor Pistol (75 ft), Indoor Rifle (75 ft), Muzzleloading, Airgun  Range Access: Public

 The UPS Store and Navin Amin For Printing the Brochures and Discount Certificate, Weddington Shopping Center, 13663 Providence Road, Weddington, NC 28104M - F 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM     Sat 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM  704-814-7730


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